navigateastraterrathe valethe mistthe islethe netherthe void

the realm of astraterra
astraterra is been in existence for thousands of years, if not longer. not much is known of what is past the shores (or waters that fade into pure, unending darkness if you're a water shifter), it seems as though the entirety of the realm is the land and surrounding waters in which the four quadrants reside. no one knows how the beings of astraterra have come to be, there is a theory that even the timeless do not know. there is no record of the beginning, no stories that have passed down from each generation and no evidence of where each para and human has come from.

despite being secluded from other realms or universes, astraterra has not been hindered in the advancements of life and technology. it is host to a variety of its own pop culture and mainstream media, from reality shows that range from a pack of werewolves trying to find their one true love while each contestant holds a secret called pack of lies or comedies and dramas that have a mix of procedurals of the gatekeepers (not the real ones) going through day to day life and trying to avoid mischeivous teens from sneaking into the other quadrants called the gate.
 for an interactive map of the realm, please go here. 

the vale
the vale is home to a diverse number of paras and humans alike. it is rich in culture, technological advancements and, of course, drama.
→ in the northeastern part of the vale (though sometimes it's questioned whether it is part of the isle) is an island that is home to the golden city. the golden city is home to the angels and it's not an accident that it is the furthest away from the onyx court that it can possibly be. it is said that the island was once part of the main continent but the angels forced a divide that separated it and them into seclusion.
the capital city, polis, is where a majority of the population resides as it is the metropolis and hub of all things that come in and go out of the northern quadrant.

for reference, polis is comparable to what would be new york, london, chicago or san francisco on earth. highly busy and diverse city that has different districts such as central polis district (cpd), city's edge, waterside, old vale heights, lower polis district (lopo).
→ central polis district: otherwise known as CPD is in the middle of the city and the hub for a majority of the businesses and office buildings. it is also where the BPI is located, the building towering over a majority of the other buildings around it. the only other building that rivals it is the library.

→ city's edge: this district mostly consists of the timeless palace and a few other smaller businesses and homes that don't fear being directly next to the overwhelming palace. it is also where the gate is located, making it popular for businesses that require imports and exports. city's edge is generally the least crime ridden district because of the presence of the guardians.

→ waterside: much like its name, it is the side of the capital that is along the water. it is home to the water shifters that reside in polis. while not only water shifters can live in waterside, they are the only ones that can access the underwater part of the city, commonly known as nephris.

→ old vale heights: known by locals as the heights, the district perfectly combines old architecture, worn down buildings but high class as the fae tend to reside in this part of the city. they claim it makes them feel more in tune with their magic, but really they feel more superior because the real estate is more expensive in old vale heights.

→ lower polis disrict: otherwise known as LOPO is home to a variety of lesser paras and humans. it boasts the cheapest real estate, chain restaurants and businesses, the most city parks and everything is within walking distance.

→ south point: a new up and coming city district that is home to a variety of high end restaurants, towering apartments, upscale stores and the biggest attraction, obsidian nightclub.

→ westwood gardens: the district that runs along the southern border of the capital. it is home to many older family style homes and new housing developments closer to south point. while not as cheap of real estate as LOPO, the homes are within the mid-range and affordable for families or those with multiple incomes.
 for an interactive map of the polis and to view points of interest,
please go here. 

the mist
the mist is home to the darkest and most malevolent paras on astraterra. the quadrant itself is dark and overcast, with a mist that is constantly shrouding the landscape.
the scarlet court is a a joint court between the vampir and the werewolves where they, surprisingly, rule harmoniously. it is located deep in the mountains of the mist, just outside of the capital city.

the onyx court is the demon's realm that lies dangerously close to the border that divides the nether from the mist. it is also the closest to the actual entrance to the mist where they try and control imports and exports.

the isle
the isle is the most diverse in terms of landscape and geography. it ranges from deserts near the border with the vale, desolate landscape to the west near the void, lush forest to the south and then, of course, beaches that span the entire eastern coast. it is home to a variety of shifters, but mostly it is home to the merfolk who reside in the deep. not far from the coast lies an island resort that is under control of the merfolk, using it as their own way to bring in currency to the isolated depths of vatia, the underwater capital in the deep.
→ deep within the waters off the coast of astraterra, the underwater city of vatia is home to the cerulean court. while the merfolk that reside deep beneath the waters technically answer to the timeless, their true loyalties lie with their queen. while a majority of the city's inhabitants stay in their shifted form and live in the underwater caves, there are sectioned off tunnels for those that would prefer to live in their humanoid form, giving them access to the water and their dry dwellings.

eostearos is a hollywood-esque metropolis that spans the peninsula in the northern part of the isle. it is home to all of the entertainment studios that provide asterrans with music and gleamcast content. for music, lunarbranch studios is the biggest studio that puts out 90% of the music throughout astraterra. for film and tv, there are quite a few but a few of the larger ones are emerald films, silversoft productions and skymagine entertainment - all of which who work closely with gleamcast to provide asterrans with all of their entertainment needs. these film and tv studios have taken over the islands off of the coast of the peninsula, utilizing the islands as the home of the outdoor portion of where they film.

the nether
many asterrans prefer to avoid the nether at all costs, whether it's due to their superiority complex or the sheer fact that the under court does not sit well with them. many humans and lesser paras reside in the small towns and villages that make up the nether. despite the lack of being able to go elsewhere, those inhabitants still steer clear of the darkness that looms around the under court.
→ within the darkness that is the corner of the western quadrant, tucked right between the mist and the vale, the under court is home to the dead. ghosts and zombies call this court home, though they are welcome to leave and go to the other quadrants should they wish. while it is home to those that are dead, it isn't uncommon for witches, specifically necromancers, and demons to reside within it's depths. all inhabitants answer to the dead queen, a vicious para that has ruled over them for an unknown amount of years.

the void
no one knows what is in the void, all they know is that it's a deep, dark, unending blackness in the middle of astraterra. there are rumors that it is where the timeless came from (though there's nothing backing these rumors up), however, the stories that state it is where paras and humans go to "rest" when they are no longer on the asterran plane of existence is more likely. when they don't turn into ghosts or zombies, when there is nothing left for them but the unending darkness of the end of their life.

 that's what the stories say, anyway.